Siegel der Universität Augsburg

Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik

Siegel der Universität Augsburg


Oberseminar zur Algebra und Zahlentheorie


Dr. Diletta Martinelli
University of Edinburgh

spricht am
Donnerstag, 5. Juli 2018
10:00 Uhr
Raum 1007 (L1)
über das Thema:

»On the geometry of contractions of the Moduli Space of sheaves of a K3 surface«

I will describe how recent advances have made possible to study the birational geometry of hyperkaehler varieties of K3-type using the machinery of wall-crossing and stability conditions on derived categories as developed by Tom Bridgeland. In particular Bayer and Macrì classify birational transformations of the moduli space M of sheaves of a K3 surface X in temrs of wall-crossing in the space of Bridgeland stability conditions Stab(X). I will explain how it is possible to refine their analysis to give a precise description of the geometry of the exceptional locus of any birational contractions of M.


Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung.
Prof. Dr. Maxim Smirnov

Kaffee, Tee und Gebäck eine halbe Stunde vor Vortragsbeginn im Raum 2006 (L1).

[Impressum]      [Datenschutz],    Fr 23-Mär-2018 07:27:02 MESZ