Siegel der Universität Augsburg

Universität Augsburg
Institut für Mathematik

Siegel der Universität Augsburg


Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie


Herr Shanze Gao
Tsinghua University, Beijing

spricht am
Montag, 29. Mai 2017
16:00 Uhr
Raum 2004 (L1)
über das Thema:

»Uniqueness of closed self-similar solutions to σkα-curvature flow.«

By adapting the test functions introduced by Choi-Daskaspoulos and Brendle-Choi-Daskaspoulos and exploring properties of the k-th elementary symmetric function σk intensively, we show that for any fixed k with 1≤ k ≤ n-1, any strictly convex closed hypersurface in Rn+1 satisfying σkα= 〈 X,ν〉, with α≥ 1/k, must be a round sphere. In fact, we prove a uniqueness result for any strictly convex closed hypersurface in Rn+1 satisfying F+C=〈 X,ν〉, where F is a positive homogeneous smooth symmetric function of the principal curvatures and C is a constant.


Hierzu ergeht herzliche Einladung.

Kaffee, Tee und Gebäck eine halbe Stunde vor Vortragsbeginn im Raum 2006 (L1).

[Impressum]      [Datenschutz],    Do 20-Apr-2017 15:41:41 MESZ